Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Ursula Amstutz

Fachverantwortung HLA-Krankheitsassoziationen

+41 31 632 74 70
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Zentrum für Labormedizin
Freiburgstrasse (Rosenbühlgasse 27)
3010 Bern

Ursula Amstutz, PhD, is a research group leader and head of the Clinical Genomics Lab at the Inselspital Bern Unversity Hospital. She received training in biology, population genetics, pharmacogenomics, and drug safety and effectiveness research, and is now an Associate Professor at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern. Her research focuses on how genomics and transcriptomics based methods can be utilized in a diagnostic context to improve and further individualize patient care, and in particular on the use of cell-free DNA for minimally invasive monitoring of organ transplant recipients, and the detection and diagnosis of allograft pathologies.